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About Ironwood Acupuncture:
Power, Strength & Resilience

Candace Jordan, DACM is a compassionate practitioner, driven to help others find natural ways to relieve their suffering and ultimately feel like themselves again.

The Ironwood Tree: Our Mighty Inspiration

If the ironwood tree teaches us anything, it is to trust in the healing power and resilience of nature – and ourselves.

The beautiful Sonoran ironwood is strong as steel and deeply rooted. In the face of difficult times and harsh climates, it is remarkably resistant and grows with ease. Interestingly, the ironwood not only protects itself – it also acts as a “nurse plant,” offering shade, restoration, and protection to its neighboring flora and fauna.

At Ironwood Acupuncture, this majestic tree is both our symbol and our mission. Like our namesake tree, we use the power of nature to restore and find balance. We offer a sturdy foundation to achieve your wellness goals, from overcoming your biggest challenges to empowering you in your daily life. We understand that healing our families, our communities, and our environment all starts with healing ourselves.

We believe that the power, strength, and resilience of the ironwood tree lives on in each one of us. Our mission is to help awaken it in you.


Dr. Candace Jordan

Dr. Candace Jordan, DACM

Candace Jordan, DACM is a compassionate practitioner,
driven to help others find natural ways to relieve their
suffering and ultimately feel like themselves again.

My story

Healing Roots
I was first exposed to the power of Chinese medicine as a curious teen when I discovered a little shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown. I picked up a tiny bottle of White Flower oil (a potent pain-relieving oil) and carefully studied the acupoint diagram that came in the box. After dabbing the oil on several acupressure points, I was amazed at how much relief I felt.

This vibrant memory stuck with me as I grew older and I eventually enrolled in a Jin Shin Do acupressure course to learn more about this mysterious medicine. Once again, I was awe-struck as I learned gentle, natural techniques that so easily brought relief, balance, and harmony to the mind and spirit. I then knew that natural healing would be my path.

A Strong Foundation
My newfound love of acupressure led me to dive deeper into both massage and Chinese-medicine. I studied meridian-based sound healing (Acutonics) and continued my bodywork training. Later on, I earned my Doctorate in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

I knew the power these natural therapies held, but as I practiced more, the more amazed I became. Weaving together bodywork and Chinese medicine allowed me to help lead others to their own path of resilience and strength. People who came to me as a last-ditch effort finally found relief. Those in pain felt a weight lifted after years of suffering. People with complex health issues found understanding and empowerment in their wellness journeys.

I also experienced these powerful benefits for myself. Throughout my life, I suffered from health issues like pain, sleep trouble, digestive issues, and emotional struggles. The one thing that always brought me back to wellness was acupuncture. As I started on my own healing path, I found that Chinese medicine not only helped me feel healthier – it helped me feel like myself again.

Find Your Inner Strength at Ironwood Acupuncture
After decades of personal and professional experience in natural healing, I am thrilled to help you find your own resilience and strength at Ironwood Acupuncture. In addition to acupuncture and Chinese medicine therapies, we offer bodywork and Acutonics (vibrational/sound healing). We are proud to offer our expert holistic care in Buckeye, Arizona.

Areas of Expertise

  • Pain
  • Chronic illness
  • Geriatric disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Emotional wellness

Education and Credentials

  • Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM), Pacific College of Oriental Medicine; 2018
  • Ashmead College of Massage Therapy; 2004
  • Acutonics, Kairos Sound Institute
  • Jin Shin Do Acupressure; 2000
  • Certified Yoga Teacher; 1999-2017